Selasa, 11 Februari 2014




Description du produit


XLab Delta Wing 200. Standard frame-mounted bottles have high aerodynamic drag, so place your bottle at the rear instead. The DELTA WINGs are mounted on the saddle ,XLab Delta Wing 200 includes a carbon Gorilla cage with a 7lbs bottle grip and weighs in at only 98 grams.,REFILLS FRONT DRINK SYSTEM Use the DELTAs to refill a front drink system. Just bring the spare bottle forward from the DELTA and refill. If you have the popular XLAB ,XLAB DELTA WING 200 REPLACES FRAME BOTTLE Standard frame-mounted bottles have high aerodynamic drag, so place your bottle at the rear instead.,Free Shipping - Stay hydrated and stay aerodynamic with the XLAB Delta Wing 200 Water Bottle Cage System.,Easy to mount, the single bottle Delta adds hydration capacity while bringing down drag by tucking the system behind the rider. Includes 1 carbon Gorilla Cage and ,Xlabs website says the Delta Wing 200 is good for mountain biking but I heard 2 nd hand that a representative from Xlab recommended that the Gorilla XT bottle cage ,XLAB Delta 200 Rear Hydration System - If you want to take your bottle from an area of high aerodynamic drag to no measurable drag, move it from the frame of your ,This item: XLAB Delta Wing 200 Single Rear Bottle Mount System (Black) $79.95. XLab X-Strike CO2 Holder $14.95. XLAB Stealth Pocket 100 Frame Aerodynamic Bag $22.45,XLAB World Champion Suppliers. The #1 manufacturer of rear hydration carriers, including the Carbon Wing, Super Wing, Turbo Wing, Mini Wing, and the Cervelo specific

Détails sur le produit

  • Marque: XLAB
  • Modèle: 1676
  • Dimensions: 3.00" h x
    7.00" l x
    7.00" L,
    .45 livres

Delta 100 and 200 - Xlab
XLAB World Champion Suppliers. The #1 manufacturer of rear hydration carriers, including the Carbon Wing, Super Wing, Turbo Wing, Mini Wing, and the Cervelo specific XLAB Delta Wing 200 Single Rear Bottle Mount
This item: XLAB Delta Wing 200 Single Rear Bottle Mount System (Black) $79.95. XLab X-Strike CO2 Holder $14.95. XLAB Stealth Pocket 100 Frame Aerodynamic Bag $22.45

XLAB Delta 200 Rear Hydration System - TRISPORTS.COM
XLAB Delta 200 Rear Hydration System - If you want to take your bottle from an area of high aerodynamic drag to no measurable drag, move it from the frame of your

XLab Delta 100 and 200 Water Bottle Carrier Reviews
Xlabs website says the Delta Wing 200 is good for mountain biking but I heard 2 nd hand that a representative from Xlab recommended that the Gorilla XT bottle cage XLAB Delta Wing 200 Single Rear Bottle Mount
Easy to mount, the single bottle Delta adds hydration capacity while bringing down drag by tucking the system behind the rider. Includes 1 carbon Gorilla Cage and

XLAB Delta Wing 200 Water Bottle Cage System
Free Shipping - Stay hydrated and stay aerodynamic with the XLAB Delta Wing 200 Water Bottle Cage System.

XLAB DELTA WING 200 REPLACES FRAME BOTTLE Standard frame-mounted bottles have high aerodynamic drag, so place your bottle at the rear instead.

Xlab Delta Wing 200
REFILLS FRONT DRINK SYSTEM Use the DELTAs to refill a front drink system. Just bring the spare bottle forward from the DELTA and refill. If you have the popular XLAB

XLab Delta Wing 200 - Triathlete Sports
XLab Delta Wing 200 includes a carbon Gorilla cage with a 7lbs bottle grip and weighs in at only 98 grams.

On On Tri | XLab Delta Wing 200 - Go Tri Sports
XLab Delta Wing 200. Standard frame-mounted bottles have high aerodynamic drag, so place your bottle at the rear instead. The DELTA WINGs are mounted on the saddle

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